In the two preceding chapters, we have talked about our dual nature, the
positive and the negative. We also covered Imagination. This should give us a
better view of our nature. Now we are going to take a further look, and see how
the many different aspects of life influence our thinking.
First, we must recognize that we have a mind which consists of two levels,
conscious and subconscious. Our subconscious is that giant that never stops
working, collecting everything our five senses report. From the time we enter
this world, it begins its work, obtaining and storing. It doesn't matter,
positive or negative, the subconscious records all aspects. From this data stems
our daily reactions.
When we make ourselves conscious of that which exists within the subconscious,
we are then able to see and weed out whatever it is hindering us from our full
mental, physical and emotional growth. TOP
I will give you the opportunity to look into your subconscious this very
minute, are you ready? Step 1: Find a quiet place where you can relax as you
take this trip and lift yourself into a higher level of consciousness. Let us
regress until you are seeing yourself as you were at five years of age. Look and
look and look, try to remember all of your entanglements with others and most of
all yourself. As we travel forward in time, when you see when things did not go
so well for you, examine the situation. In so doing, you will see where you
could have handled each painful predicament a little differently.
When your mental state is of value to you, you will feed your mind on
constructive data which encourages and insures your continuous growth. Never be
too busy to take time to study and learn new ways to make life more meaningful
and productive.
When you value your spiritual being, you will not get spirituality confused with
religion; you will know that some of us use various religions as vehicles to
develop our spiritual selves. We can, with or without church, develop our
complete beings, through wise disciplined use of these principles.
As you continue to escalade your past, tell yourself that you are going to be
honest with yourself, when you see how you have not allowed your capabilities to
be expressed to the fullest. TOP
During your inward journey, do not pass judgment nor grow angry when you are not
satisfied with some of your past actions. If by chance you can see where you
have been negative in your thinking, change; tell yourself that that was
yesterday and how I think and act today is all that counts.
After you have looked and familiarized yourself with the inner you, start this
day developing your positive drive by living towards that new you that you know
you can and must be. No matter what, never tell yourself that you can't do it.
Know that through discipline you can change your thoughts and world towards a
better and more peaceful experience.
The Law of Life is as powerful as the Law of gravity. Know that by utilizing
your Self Discipline Principles, your ideas and actions can be under your direct
Now that you have come into this awareness, you have an understanding of the
Flow of Life; therefore your mind need never again be in bondage to any negative
Now you are ready to put your imaginative mind to work. See yourself being the
person you want to be. Realize that preparation is essential to any and all
SUCCESS. Now you are ready and willing to face any obstacle with positive drive.
Now you are ready to set short and long range goals which will enable you to
reach your ultimate. TOP
Just as Muhammad Ali told himself and the world that he is the greatest, you can
tell yourself that you are, or soon will be, the greatest in your field. He
didn't just sit and think, he put his thoughts in motion by preparing himself.
He worked hard, setting and attaining goal after goal, always with faith in
himself being the greatest. Inspite of setbacks and obstacles, he structured and
followed his plan and became the heavyweight champion of the world again and
again, three times all told.
You can be whatever you desire to be, by setting realistic goals and following
up all ideas with their equivalents in work, persistence and faith. Know your
objectives, then conduct your energies in that direction.
Prior to this chapter, you have been looking within and planning. I hope that
you have been honest with yourself when you discovered some of your negative
traits. Did you replace them with positive thoughts? If so, very good! You are
now on your way to share the true essence of life. But don't think that your
negative ideas won't try to regain their stature in your life. When they circle
around and try to storm the fort from the rear, simply push them right back into
The word value is used to identify that which is desirable or worthy of esteem
for its own sake. I am sure that if you would look deep enough, you will learn
the true merits of your own value system; you might find the need to build a new
one and redefine what you term your worth. TOP
Look at the material aspects of the life you cling to. Have you allowed your
self to become so hypnotized by materialism, until you feel it is futile to try
and balance your thinking? If so, don't fear, you now know how to talk to
yourself and start yourself to thinking in the new way of the new you. What are
you waiting for? You have been putting it off for too long as it is.
Do you value friendship? You should, It will allow your spiritual self to rise
above the dust of immorality.
Do you value the three aspects, physical, mental & spiritual, of your being?
You should; it will bring you into harmony with your true self and the world.
When you value your physical being, you will not partake of any poisons that you
know will hinder you in your march to success.