Success through self awareness by JOHNNIE HAYGOOD
CHAPTER 1 - 06:00
if, you, wont share the little you won't share the lot so start right now
sharing what you've got
Dissatisfaction is the major factor in self defeat. You may feel malcontent with
your job, family, personal relationships or just the environment in general. Yet
the uneasiness rests not within the physical or material surroundings, but
within you. Far too many of us have been lead to believe that we must live a
lifetime, blundering in the maze of artificial contentment. As a result, our
search for lasting knowledge is stymied. This mental limitation hinders us from
finding that peace of mind, security and happiness, which we all want and need.
Through this dark tunnel of ignorance, we have allowed our thoughts and feelings
to manifest a dual nature, the positive and the negative. Unconsciously, many
of us view life from the dark side, and in so doing we dwell within negativism
much of the time.
Since the duality of nature does exist within us all, let us stop at this moment
and take a good look at it. In so doing, when our motivation is not at its peak,
we need not let ourselves fall victim to an unwanted situation.
Now let us take an inward journey and look at the negative forces. Are you
ready? They are Powerful! In fact, they are more dominant than the positive
forces, though they should not be. For these negative forces are destructive to
the entire human family of mind, body and soul, as well as the organization of
society itself.
The six (6) most damaging thoughts that the human mind can hold are: hatred,
fear, jealousy, revenge, greed and anger. When the mind is allowed to dwell in
any of these conditions, it is slowly being destroyed. When we hate, we are the
one who suffers, and not the person we hate. If we would just stop and recognize
the feeling which occurs in the state of hate, we would see how detrimental it
is to our complete being.
Fear not only generates the same type feeling, it also kills all motivating
factors which impel us toward success. Before we can find peace of mind,
security and happiness, we must rid ourselves of fear, doubt and indecision,
which in essence are one.
Jealousy, another negative component, has crept into the mind of man and made
him ill, both in mind and body. When we allow ourselves to become jealous of
another's SUCCESS, we are upset with our own incompleteness. To rid self of
this demoralization, we must understand that all of life's possessions, self
included, have the right to be free and should evolve with the rest of creation.
Vengeful thoughts, like other negative components, are energy wasters. When
someone invades our privacy and inflicts pain upon us and we didn't create the
situation, it is not necessary to hold thoughts of revenge; for through the
geometry of cause and effect, they shall surely pay. So why should we suffer
with them.
We live in a capitalistic society, that has allowed us to be greedy while
striving for material comforts. Being aware of our true nature enables us to
know we do not have to be full of greed in order to survive. The more we give,
the more we receive.
To become angry is to be disturbed, and when we are disturbed we are out of
tune with self. This imbalance leads to many illnesses which are so
appropriately called diseases.
We have covered the major negative forces; I am sure while covering them with a
sincere desire to be honest, you found some if not all of them, right there
within you. Now, let us see how we are going to surmount these impediments and
replace them with their positive counterparts.
This is accomplished by taking complete inventory of all thoughts, feelings and
actions pertinent to the new self you wish to express. The object is to make the
acquaintance of the positive forces, long dormant within you. So come with me!
Permit your mind to travel as far back into your life as possible. Analyze all
entanglements and transitions, for they have molded and shaped your character,
if by chance you see a bit of hate within you, replace the thought with love,
love for the new path you are trodding. Exchange fear for faith. Jealousy is but
an insecure feeling, longing to be overcome with confidence and success.
As your mind continues to travel the inroads of self investigation, if by
chance you see yourself being greedy in any sense, replace that energy stealing
attitude with the science of sharing. Develop an intense desire to share and
Once we have replaced the negative with the positive, the higher power blossoms
and the divine will grows stronger, thought by thought, day by day, deed by
Now that we have recognized some of the negative aspects of our inner self and
replaced them with positive images, let us test our power and see how easy it is
to communicate with positive thoughts.
MY Son, be the Man you choose
BUT, at all things be the best!
USE Love, and tolerant understanding
SO your mind can be at rest!
NEGATIVE thoughts and evil ways
WILL intrude, and block your course
PUSH them aside with POSITIVE drive
AS though you were strong as a horse!
BEING the man, you choose to be
TAKES more than desire, my SON!
LOVE ARE required for the PRIZE to be won!
Copyright 1977 By; JOHNNIE HAYGOOD SR.