Success Through Self Awareness
CHAPTER 7 - 04:01


There is power in knowing, and accepting the actualities of life, but to know, and accept isn't all. Our action must harmonize with the rest of creation in order to enjoy the beauty that glistens from being a part of this vast universe.
We must act in accord with our true nature when dealing with others. Love should be the foundation of all of our endeavors. Love the work that you are engaged in. Love the people that you are working with, and the tide of life will be easy to ride.
Human understanding and the will to be submissive to each other's needs will bring us more peace than just satisfying our individual needs and desires. As long as we over look the feelings of others, and look for peace in the material aspects of life, we are burrowing ourselves deeper into frustration and discontentment.
Some of us struggle through our entire life with our minds over loaded with distorted concepts. We toil with greed and hate that dilutes our very soul, yet we ask for mercy at the arms of death. Now some of us, at an early age, become wise; we search for the knowledge of self.
Through the growth of learning, we understand, submit, and live life nature's way. Some of us know we are one, love the joy of being in harmony with others as well as self.


We hear people complaining so much that we are not together. If they could stop complaining and use their minds, they would learn that it is impossible for us to not be together in this universe. The problem is, we are not aware that we are together. Therefore, we do not function as a unit. When we evolve to this awareness and stop characterizing other human beings by their material wealth or academic training; a concern for all humanity will trot out and manifest the har­mony and unity that is necessary for us to find peace.

Do you go through life blundering from job to job, not knowing what you really want out of life? To rid one's self of such irritation, it is necessary to stop, backtrack into your life, find that one sparkle that gleamed from an idea of what you once wanted to do. Upon rediscovering your lost dream, cultivate it; make it a part of your new self, and be totally about the business of being the you you always wanted to be.
Release all "I can't" thoughts from your mind. Convince . yourself that k4I CAN!" This will energize your desire to Succeed, and give you that added incentive to develop the vast reservoirs of power within you.
Each of us owe to ourselves the chance to discover, to uncover, the inner realm which is our true and fearless self. To harness this vast energy reserve, we must first harmonize with the creative principles of the Universe. We must make ourselves worthy of this state of tranquility we are seeking. We do this by being thankful for a mind to think with, the chance to utilize it, and a divine imagination to plot and steer a useful course through life.
We all have the same power. Some use it, some do not. The choice is upon the individual. Often times it requires much hard work to bring our plans into fruition, but remember: "If quitting comes easily, Success will not come at all."
We cripple our minds with thoughts that we cannot make it in life. If you were to ask the average person, "How is everything going?" The vast majority would respond, "Things are hard, it's rough out here." Some of us complain so much, until we don't know how to appreciate the changes in the weather.
We complain about the hot We complain about the cold We criticize the young And we dislike the old.


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